
Mental Health First Aiders

Encon has qualified Mental Health First Aiders who are the point of contact for employees if they are experiencing emotional distress or suffering in silence with mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety or depression, for example.

Mental Health First Aiders are trained to listen. They are trained to spot the early signs of mental ill-health in others. They are taught to confidently signpost someone to appropriate support, both internal and external, and they are equipped to deal with emergencies too – such as psychosis, thoughts of suicide, or attempted suicide.

It is important to note however – that MHFAs are not qualified therapists, counsellors or psychiatrists. They cannot advise, but they can listen and offer support options.

They are trained to: Maintain confidentiality (unless someone’s physical safety or life is at risk); Spot early signs of mental ill-health; Assess the risk of self-harm or suicide; Listen to what people are saying without judgement; Know when to contact the emergency services (if it’s required); Care for their own physical safety and mental wellbeing; Know how to start a conversation with someone who may be experiencing emotional or mental ill health; Encourage people to use additional support that’s available, including internal and external support systems; Complete critical incident documents where necessary.